The Chuckle Brothers in Henley

The Guernsey boys met up with some of the Chuckle Brothers for a few beers and a bike ride around Henley. Sealey, Stocky, Phil and Peter “the Swag Man” were great company over dinner and in the hotel bar afterwards…

Cycle Slam 2010: Day 8 – Lanark to Edinburgh

The final day and we can’t believe it’s nearly over or that we’ve survived the cycling. As expected it’s back up that hill, before starting the 40km climb up towards Edinburgh and enjoying the 15km roll down hill into the…

Cycle Slam 2010: Day 6 – Stranraer to Dumfries

107km into Dumfries from Stranraer. Bondy was keen for an early start, but Pierre was faffing as usual so only got out a couple of minutes ahead of schedule.  If Mike had (bigger) tits Pierre would have been there at 6am….

Cycle Slam 2010: Day 4 – Dundaulk to Belfast

Shocker at dinner last night where it was announced that instead of riding 87km today (the Google distance on the motorway between Dundaulk and Belfast) we were told we had to do the 133km round the coast road. Big fine for…