Registration open for 30-30-30

Registration is now open for the 30/30 Sportive in aid of Les Bourgs Hospice on Sunday 12 May organised by Mule Matt Collas and ably assisted by the OF&D team. There is a new website for the event which has…

Mule d’Ane-versaire launch

It was great to get all the riders together at the weekend to officially launch this year’s charity ride, Mule d’Ane-versaire, with the arrival of the cycling shirts. A huge thank you to all of our sponsors for their fantastic…

Rider night at Ian Brown

A big thank you to the team at Ian Browns Cycle Shop who held a rider night for our Mules to talk through nutrition, clothing and bike fitting and maintenance to help prepare them for the ride. We’ve done these…

The fear has kicked in!

It’s ride year and the fear has kicked in!! Great turnout for the first Sunday ride of 2024 and spinning training has started….148 days to go!

Mule d’Âne-versaire recce

Not sure how these come round so quickly but time for the recce for Mule d’Âne-versaire for next year’s ride. We had to pack a fair bit in to this one with only three days to drive the 60, 80…

OWIUP! raises a fabulous £3,250

Fabulous photos from Nick Despres of yesterday’s OWIUP! ride. A huge thank you to all the riders who took part and the volunteers and marshals who made it happen. And a particular thank you to Matt Collas whose mad idea…

OWIUP merch

Make sure you sign up for this weekend’s OWIUP! to get your hands on the merch!